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Get to Know Me
and My Philosophy

professional outdoor headshot of instructor Melissa Coyné


Melissa Coyné, Instructor & RIE® Associate

Hi, I'm Melissa, a RIE® Mentor and Early Childhood Consultant. My interest in being with children began around 11 when I started babysitting. I was always fascinated by development and moved by children’s interactions with me. Whether it was a brief encounter or my niece or nephew, it was clear to me that children were my people. My elementary school teachers had a profound impact on me as I dreamt of being them one day.


I realized early on that it was early childhood that compelled me most. While I obtained my BA and MA in child development, I worked with infants and toddlers in group care and my passion for this age was anchored.



I was first introduced to RIE in a program where I spent 22 years growing my personal education philosophy and it became increasingly important to me to stay true to the integrity of my convictions of treating each human with respect. 


My desire to share my intentional practice of caring for children and mentoring adults is a cornerstone of the courses I facilitate and my consulting work. I am also a RIE Mentor for interns who are working towards becoming RIE Associates and a parent to two grown children who taught me more than any course or book could!


I look forward to being a part of you finding your personal philosophy to caring for children with respect.

baby sitting on caregiver's lap with caregiver holding baby's hand
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